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1. Overview:
The Jobs module displays detailed job information, including the assignment status of supervisors, and allows for a variety of search and filter functionalities to enhance user experience.
Navigation to Jobs module - Build Solution System menu > Leads
2. UI Elements:
2.1. Notification Badge: Displays the count of jobs where supervisors are unassigned.
Data Source: This count is dynamically derived from database tables.
Function Path: App\Http\Controllers\Admin\Job\JobController->index()
3. Jobs Landing Page:
3.1. Job Listings:
Description: This section lists all the existing jobs with their relevant details.
3.2. Search Functionality:
Search Field: Users can input keywords related to Project
, Job Type
, Est. Start Date
, Actual Start Date
, Build Status
, Address2
, or activity_id
to filter job listings.
Data Source: Search results are dynamically derived from the jobs
table in the database.
3.3. Advanced Filter Options:
Along with the primary search functionality, the user is provided with advanced filtering methods to enable precise querying of job records. These filters are designed to work in tandem with the primary search, offering users a granular level of control over the displayed job records.
Job Type Filter: A dropdown menu that allows users to filter records based on job type. These values are hard coded in the system.
Job Status Checkboxes:
Include Archived Jobs
Include Deleted Jobs
Include Sold Jobs
Include jobs with Order of Preference (OP)
Build Status Filter: A dropdown menu where users can select specific build statuses to filter the job listings accordingly. These statuses are derived from JobBuildStatusEnum
Enum File Path: App\Enums
Method Paths: App\Traits\JobTrait->filtered_build_statuses,
3.4. Post-Search Filtering:
After executing a search, users can view the total no. of records listed in the table for a particular job status. And also the users have the privilege to further refine their results by filtering jobs based on their statuses.
3.5. Toggle Columns:
Users can customize their view by choosing to hide or display specific columns in the job listing grid. This is achieved by toggling the respective column names.
3. Jobs GRID
The Jobs landing page features a comprehensive grid that provides pertinent details associated with each job entry. This grid serves as an informative snapshot, offering users insights into the specifics of each job.
The displayed attributes within the grid are subject to change based on any modifications made to the corresponding job records. As jobs are updated in the database, the grid automatically reflects these alterations, ensuring that users are presented with the most current and accurate job details.
For enhanced user convenience, the grid also facilitates direct navigation to the job editing interface. By simply clicking on a specific job record within the grid, users are seamlessly redirected to the job editing form, allowing for immediate modifications as required.