When the user goes to the Roles screen, they can see a list of all the roles that have been created in the system. This list displays the names of the roles and allows the user to quickly view and access the details of each role. It provides a convenient overview of the existing roles and their properties.
Even though there's a space for a description in the GRID, currently there's no way to write a description for the user role using the user interface (UI). This might be added in the future.
When the user clicks on the "Create Role" button, they will be taken to a form where they can input the name of the new role and select which permissions to assign to it. The user has the option to choose one or more permissions to include in the role.
The "Name" field in the form is required, so the user must provide a name for the role.
If the user decides not to assign any permissions to the role, they can still save the new role without any assigned permissions.
Once the user clicks on the "Submit" button in the form, a success banner will appear on the screen, indicating that the role has been successfully created.
View Role
When the user clicks on the "View" button of a specific role, they will be taken to a page where they can view the details of that role. On this page, they can see the name of the role and the list of permissions that have been granted for that particular role. This view provides a clear overview of the role and its associated permissions.
Edit Role
When the user clicks on the "Edit" button for a particular role, they will be directed to a form where they can make changes to the role's name and the permissions assigned to it. After updating the necessary information, the user will be redirected back to the Roles screen.
A success banner will appear on the screen, indicating that the changes to the role have been successfully saved. This way, the user can easily manage and modify role details with ease.
Delete Role
In the system, users can delete roles if they have the necessary permission to do so. When a user clicks on the "Delete" button for a role, a confirmation pop-up message will appear, asking them to confirm the deletion.
If the user clicks on the "OK" button in the pop-up, the role will be deleted, and a success banner will appear to notify the user that the role has been successfully removed from the system.
When a role is deleted, it's removed entirely from the database, unless it's being used elsewhere, like in the permissions section. If the role is marked as default (which is determined by the database), it can't be deleted.