Users have the ability to view the log of activities that the system maintains, which records all actions performed by each user.
Login as an Admin > System > Logs
If the toggle filter is enabled, users can filter the activity log specifically by the salesperson.
Additionally, users can search through the logs using a regular grid search function. Users have the ability to sort the logs based on each column.
Here are the database tables related to logs:
Used left join query with above mention tables
$logs = Activity::leftJoin('users', 'activities.user_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('jobs', 'activities.job_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('job_types', 'jobs.job_type_id', '=', '')
->select(['subject', 'activities.as_at', ' as user', 'url', ' as jobs_id', 'jobs.address as job_address' , ' as job_type_name']);
Function Path
app/Helpers/ActivityHelper.php -> log()