Create user
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The system grants the administrator the authority to create new users and user roles.
When the administrative user clicks the "Create User" button, they will be directed to a form where they need to fill in all the required fields. The "Role" field is a type of selection box where users can choose from a list of available options. All the roles that have been created will be shown in this dropdown list, and users can pick the one that best fits their profile or designation.
There are also five checkboxes available:
Enable: This checkbox is used to activate the user.
Listed in Sales Dictionary: Selecting this checkbox adds the user to the sales dictionary.
Send login details via Email: If checked, the user's login credentials will be sent to them via email.
Developer: This checkbox is related to a developer option (further details might be needed).
List as Supervisor: Selecting this checkbox adds the user to the supervisors' list.